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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Zombie Food: Overview

Those of you who have been to my home know about my "zombiefood" collection (also know as the "weirdfood" collection) stashed in a kitchen cupboard. These are foods that are so unnatural, so processed, so completely divorced from what they were while living, so... zombie-afied that they could survive any apocalypse.

Many of them seem so nasty that there would have to be an apocalypse before I would be desperate enough to eat them -- although since I use them as display pieces rather than as sources of calories, I can't really be sure. Note: I am not a picky eater.

I'll be photographing and displaying these gems from time to time. And yes, I welcome additions to the collection (most of them were gifts).

One day, it will even have a display case.

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