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Monday, April 28, 2008

Taking my preachiness elsewhere

Ok, I realize I've been a little too eco-preachy. Sorry about that. So I'm going to spare you all and move my eco-anger posts elsewhere [URL deleted -- see comments]. I'd love to have you guys come and visit there too... but, if you'd rather not, I'm sure there will still be more than enough cynicism here to go around. :-)

Addition: This idea has been scrapped. Back to your regularly scheduled sarcasm!


mbet said...

Wait a minute, this is *your* blog! Besides, those of us who know and love you would find it weird for you to be writing a blog devoid of eco-anger. :) Can I make a respectful request that the eco-anger not disappear entirely from Trapdoor Zombie? I mean, what's the point of having a blog incorporating zombies if you can't compare environmental scofflaws to the undead once in a while?

Besides...ARTIFICIAL TURF?!? Ugh. I think I need a righteous dose of eco-anger. :)

Sam said...

I know, I know. But... first of all, I realize not all of my friends want to hear my preachiness. Also, I'm afraid that other people who might read this will think it isn't really about environmentalism. Hmm. Maybe the easiness of creating a new blog is too tempting.

Anyway, please join the other one too.... if you use google reader it shouldn't be any harder...

PMS_CC said...

Wait a minute, this is *your* blog! Besides, those of us who know and love you would find it weird for you to be writing a blog devoid of eco-anger. :)

I'm with Marion! This is your blog after all, why divide your attention into two blogs? Unless, of course, you hope for your eco-anger blog to become a prime mover in the eco-anger circles. I'd certainly understand that impulse, but otherwise, as Darth Vader once said: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

Ducks said...

I agree. Be yourself here. We're here to read what you have to say, and we do share your interests.

As for the divided blog thing, I've tried it myself and it didn't work... not that it can't, just that mine didn't. Maybe post concurrently on both blogs when the subject matter warrants?

mbet said...

But... first of all, I realize not all of my friends want to hear my preachiness.

Dear heart, none of your friends mind your fervency on eco issues, or we wouldn't be your friends. :) So far, Trapdoor Zombie seems to be an excellent blog representation of your real-world personality - I'd hate to see that diluted. But, at the end of the day, it's your decision and I'm happy to read two blogs if you prefer.

Sam said...

Ok, you guys are right. I was clearly caught in a moment of procrastination... and since Don Gusano tells me there is now one blog for every person in the world (including those with no internet access) it's pretty silly to think that we need two....