Looking for Something?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Matthew Sunshine

We were walking on the Northwestern campus the other day and came across this:

A memorial to undergraduate Matthew Sunshine, found dead of alcohol intoxication, although we didn't know that at the time. I stopped to read what Matthew's fellow students had written about him. A compellingly complex picture emerged: a young man who was endlessly cheerful, modest, enjoyed an argument, gave everyone high-fives instead of hugs. I saw some of younger myself in those descriptions: a young person still finding his way, a little social awkward albeit well-meaning, unsure of his own place. He was a lucky man to have friends who loved him in spite of, perhaps even because of, all his weaknesses:

May we all be blessed with friends such as these.

Perhaps it was the unexpectedness of it, walking through an empty summer campus and coming upon a reminder of human tragedy, of life cut short. I never knew this young man, but my thoughts are with his family. May he be at peace.

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