Looking for Something?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh, Mr. Savage will know they are Christians....

...by the fact that they entice teenagers to pray with the chance to win a semiautomatic assault rifle.

Just because the Bible says you can't (shouldn't?) murder anyone DOESN'T mean you shouldn't be prepared. Amen.


Ducks said...

So, if they entice the kids in with promises of gun giveaways and then withdraw the offer... is it bad faith? :D

Anonymous said...

The best part is that they withdrew the offer because one of the adults involved got injured -- not because someone realized this was a monumentally BAD IDEA. This is almost as good as Michael Moore's snippet on giving out guns in a bank...

PMS_CC said...

The church expected hundreds of teenagers from as far away as Canada.

What do Canadian baptist churches give away to attract the youth of Oklahoma...?